"From Words to Wisdom: An Inspiring Journey with KingHenry, Author of 'Write Fiction like a Pro'

Step into the world of creativity and storytelling as we sit down for an intriguing interview with Nnamdi KingHenry. A final year student of Imo State University, Owerri, Nnamdi wears multiple hats, excelling not only as a dedicated scholar but also as a skilled professional hair stylist. However, it is his talent as a writer that truly sets him apart.
With a flair for crafting captivating short fiction stories, Nnamdi recently unveiled his book "Write Fiction Like a Pro" on Amazon. In this interview, Nnamdi takes us on a journey through the inspiration behind his writing, the challenges he encountered during the publishing process, and the invaluable lessons he learned along the way. Join us as we unravel the creative mind behind the pen and explore the depths of Nnamdi KingHenry's literary world.

Beauty Benedict: Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your background as a writer?

KingHenry: My name is Nnamdi kinghenry. Currently, I'm a final year student of the Imo State University, Owerri studying Computer science. I am a professional hair stylist,  a prolific writer and author of an amazing book. Specifically, I write more of short fictions stories. 

Beauty Benedict: What inspired you to start writing? Was there a particular moment or experience that sparked your interest?

KingHenry: I realized that I am a great writer when I got to the stage of writing Job applications. My employers always commended me on how well structured my application was. That was when I started birthing the feel that I could actually write nice articles, even though I didn't take it too serious at that time. But, the main thing that sparked my interest was a day I had a serious argument with one of my friends. The argument was centered on mothers. If it is right for a man to refuse his own mum from living in his matrimonial house simply because his wife is not comfortable with living with the husband's mother in the same house. This particular argument almost made me cry because normally I'm a mummy's boy... Lol. And I know how much I want to stay with my mum all the time. In the process of this argument, ideas kept flowing in and that was how I wrote my first ever fiction short story "My Mother, My Everything." It was a mind-blowing piece.

Beauty Benedict: Your book recently released on Amazon. Can you give us a brief overview of the story or theme?

KingHenry: Write Fiction like a Pro, is a book everyone must have in his /her shelf. The rhema and values inside it is priceless. It is understandable, fiction writing can be very difficult and tiring especially to newbies who  are still trying to make a name for themselves in the industry. But, also it is fun and interesting to write fiction when you understand the basics and rules involved. Unlike other kinds of writing where authors/writers source for materials online, put them together, do some necessary referencing and boom a book is built. Fiction writing comes directly from the imagination of a writer. It requires creativity and special skills to be able to think of a story(fiction) , develop it(write) and bring it into reality.

Write Fiction Like a Pro is designed to single handedly walk you through all you need to harness the required skill to write jaw dropping stories..

Having both the newbies and existing writers in mind, the book will guide you through on.

1. How to write or construct flawless fiction stories.

2. Make you discover how to deal with writer's block.

3. Tells you practical and verified ways to generate ideas.

Write Fiction like a Pro is an eye opener to intending fiction writers and professional or existing writers and all lovers of literature.

Beauty Benedict: What was your writing process like for this book? Did you face any challenges along the way?

KingHenry: Birthing the book Writing Fiction like a Pro was indeed a very tedious task because I was at that time combining it with school activities. Of course there was challenges. There were times writers block came and I was  totally of out ideas on what else to write. To God be the Glory, I overcame all of that

Beauty Benedict: How did you come up with the idea for your book? Were there any specific influences or sources of inspiration?

KingHenry: Actually, Write Fiction like a Pro is a compilation of my writings during a 30 days online competition that held last year in which I participated. The competition was mainly on writing on your niche(my niche was fiction writing) consistently for 30 days.

I was grounded during this competition, I met lots of amazing writers and really learnt a lot from. So, after the compettion, I read all the articles I wrote so far and it was worth converting to a book, I  did some major editing, added some more contents, sent it out for proof  reading and boom!, the book came into existence. That is why i strongly recommend that every writer participates in writing challenges from time to time.

Beauty Benedict: Can you share some interesting or memorable experiences you had during the writing and publishing journey?

KingHenry: There was really interesting moments, you know writing a book is not a child's play..lol. But the proof reading stage was memorable. I was Amazed by how good the book is. That feeling of proofing reading your book and you find out that you have really done a great job, to me is memorable.

Beauty Benedict: How did you approach the publishing process, particularly in terms of self-publishing on Amazon? What advice would you give to other aspiring authors who are considering self-publishing?

KingHenry: The self publishing on Amazon was'nt funny at all. I was trying to becomde familiar with the terms and conditions of Amazon and same time I was really eager or in haste to  show the world my work, Because of my unfamiliarity with Amazon I made some mistakes that delayed the publishing.

One advice I have for aspiring authors who are considering self publishing is, don't be in a hurry, study Amazon and its terms thoroughly and seek for help where necessary.

Beauty Benedict: What feedback have you received from readers so far? Has their response matched your expectations?

KingHenry:  I have gotten both positive and negative feedbacks from readers.

Those who have read my stories will attest to the fact that they are always authentic and captivating. But you know, not everyone will like your work. In fact as a writer, critics is one of the things that makes me want to become better. So I need lots of it.

Beauty Benedict: Were there any lessons or insights you gained from writing this book? How has it impacted you as a writer?

KingHenry: A major lesson I gained from writing this book is that hard work pays and that consistency is important in the development of any skill or talent.

If I had backslided or given up, Write Fiction like a Pro will not have become a reality 

Beauty Benedict: Are you currently working on any new projects or books? Can you give us a sneak peek into what we can expect from your future works?

KingHenry: Yes, I'm working on two major works, which I really can not say for now until when it will be out. I'm working hard to get them ready soonest. I'd prefer to keep my readers in anticipation. Cross your legs and wait for it. Trust me they are as mind blowing as ever.....

Beauty Benedict: What advice would you give to aspiring writers who are just starting their writing journey?

KingHenry: Read books related to your niche. Write everyday.. Don't try to use heavy vocabularies because you want to impress your readers; let it flow. And, don't be shy,  publish that your article, don't feel you are not good enough, there's someone out there who hungers to read your article.

Beauty Benedict: As a writer, what role do you think books play in today's society? Why do you believe reading is important?

KingHenry: Like I said before, Write Fiction plays the role of an eye opening to both intending and professional/existing writers.

Reading is super important, why? Because literally you can never become a better writer without reading.

Beauty Benedict: Are there any particular authors or books that have influenced your writing style or approach? If so, how have they impacted your work?

KingHenry: Chimamanda Adichie, Chinua Achebe, and Ademola Olayiwola are authors whose works have inspired me greatly. If you follow me keenly, you'll notice I adopt the writing style of these amazing writers in some of my stories. Especially Chimamanda, I emulate her writing style often.

Beauty Benedict: How do you balance your writing career with other aspects of your life? Do you have any tips for maintaining productivity and creativity?

KingHenry: Being a student, hair stylist, and at the same time a writer isn't easy at all. One thing is, I enjoy doing all these three things. I mean I love school, I like styling a lady's hair, and I love to write, so I don't get too tired doing them. One thing that has always helped me in combining these things and still be creative and productive is my timetable. I have a timetable for everything I do. There's time for writing, reading, etc., and I make sure I stick to it.

Beauty Benedict: Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers about yourself or your book?

KingHenry: No, I think I have said everything already. 


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